Thursday, October 30, 2008


Good evening readers! Welcome to my blog spot:

When you're out in the public eye it is sometimes easier to put on a "smiley face" and cover up whatever issues may lurk underneath those smiles than to be transparent and let the world know that "I hurt too". There is a certain amount of truth in saying that smiling and fronting keeps your "stuff" private - but on the converse side of things, it can also keep you bound if you don't ever release it...

Knowing the repercussions of "holding it in" all too well, I've decided to try and free myself of some of the baggage I've been carrying around with me for days, weeks, months, years, decades even - and take advantage of this outlet called BLOGGING. I'm here to share with the world what goes on beyond the smiles YOU may see everyday...

Beyond The Smiles: The Confessions of A Star


Skyler Nicole

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